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Audlem St James
C of E Primary School

Welcome to Year 6 – Diamond Class!

Mr Blenkiron

Dear Parents, Carers and Children,

Happy New Year and welcome to the Year 6 class page. Here you will find an overview of what we shall be learning in the Spring term of 2025.

Buddy Drawing
Thursday 13 February 2025
Y6 – Take Notice
Wednesday 5 February 2025


This term, we shall be consolidating what we have already learned about place value, the four operations, and fractions before tackling the areas of ratio and algebra. We will be paying close attention to the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages and will also venture into the realms of measurement, geometry and statistics. During this Spring term, through the consistent cycle of assessment and revision, we will endeavour to prepare the children as much as possible for the SAT's tests that will occur early in the Summer term. In many ways, this will be child-led, focusing on the areas that cause the greatest amount of difficulty in order to boost fluency and confidence across all areas and across all of the children.

For the first half of this term, both our writing and reading stimuli come from the mind of the great Victorian writer Oscar Wilde. In our writing lessons, the children will be inspired by the tale of The Selfish Giant, and will build up to writing a narrative retelling the story (or a similar moral tale) from either a first person or third person perspective. The focus of this narrative will be to firstly write cohesively so the story makes sense (cohesion is king!) and to distinguish between the language of speech and the language of narration, choosing vocabulary carefully in order to manipulate the reader's opinion of a character, place or situation.

In a similar way, through our Guided Reading sessions, we will be analysing the tale of The Happy Prince for the language features mentioned above – inferring characters' feelings and motives based on their actions and vocabulary choice of the author.

We shall learn spellings and read for pleasure, every day, and will have regular handwriting practice until the children have developed a joined clear handwriting style.

Humanities (Geography focus)
By adhering to our geography Golden Threads: Location, Human Features, Physical Features, Economy and Climate, the children will explore, analyse and discover as much as they can about the country of Mexico, the continent that it belongs to and how it contrasts with the UK and similar European countries.

The children will consider the significant human and physical features that attract tourists to its shores; the energy and produce that it exports across the globe, and will delve deeply into its culture through the lens of language, food and the idiosyncratic practice of Christianity through its celebration of the festivals of Día de Muertos and Cinco de Mayo.

In Science, the children will be learning about light; how it travels in straight lines and how it interacts with different types of objects. They will investigate: shadows and how they change; how light splits; reflects; and how coloured light mixes. They will learn to work scientifically by planning lines of enquiry, using measuring equipment and recording results. They will also begin to learn about electricity, investigating simple circuits and drawing diagrams. They will also find out about what affects the brightness of a bulb.

In D&T we will be we will be studying Mexican cuisine; learning about famous Mexican chefs and their recipes; discovering the journey our ingredients take (from farm to fork) and, in the second half-term, will be creating our own meal inspired by the flavours of Mexico.

In Music, the class will continue to progress on the guitar through their lessons with Mr Pinfold from LoveMusicTrust.

After kicking-off the new term with on Epiphany, for the rest of the first half-term we will be revisiting Islam. We will learn and analyse the Five Pillars; consider the lives of famous Muslims and how they practise their faith in the spotlight; compare Muslim wedding ceremonies with those of Christians and secular beliefs; and debate how Islam has been portrayed in the media both historically and currently. As always, our RE lessons with contain a healthy dose of self-reflection and philosophical independent thought. The children's own beliefs and worldview are an integral part of this process and the children will become increasingly able to express and justify their ideas.
In the lead up to Easter, we will discuss Jesus' resurrection and the authenticity of this by analysing the different biblical accounts and arguments from Christian apologetics.

In Computing, we will be learning to use MS Excel and how spreadsheets can not only help with the organisation of data, but can be used to perform complicated calculations for us and turn the data we have inputted into charts and graphs.

The children will learn to write helpful formulae to this end, and will use Excel to help them organise an event they have created (including pricing, number of guests, items needed etc.)

We look forward to an exciting new term.

Mr Blenkiron

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