At Audlem St James we want everyone to enjoy learning. We want everyone to have the opportunity to learn and do their best here.
Children are asked to remember the 5Rs to help create an environment where everyone can learn, and to support their own learning and progress.
Ready to Learn – I will always be Right-minded, Equipped, Alert, Determined, and ready to say 'Yes!' to great learning experiences.
Resourceful – I will have lots of fantastic ideas to contribute and I will work well in groups as well as on my own.
Reflective – I will think about what I am learning, I will listen to others' ideas and opinions, and I will always look for ways to improve and learn even more.
Resilient – I will have a positive approach to learning, and never give up even if I find a task difficult or challenging.
Responsible – I will always make the right choices and think for myself; I will always be in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing, in the right way!