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Audlem St James
C of E Primary School
Y1 RE- When the angels visited the shepherds
Friday 29 November 2024
Y1 Snow!
Friday 22 November 2024

Year 1 with Mrs Proctor

Autumn Term

Our Topic: Where we Live and What has Changed!

Our new topic for this term is based around change. We will be learning about how our local area and community have changed over time.


In History, we will be learning about the Victorians. We will be seeing how childhood, buildings, clothes and jobs were different in the Victorian era. As well as that we will be learning about history within 'living memory' we will be seeing what our parents and grandparents remember about their childhood.


In Geography, we will be learning about our local area. We will be working on our map drawing skills and we will be developing our geographical vocabulary.


In Science, we will be learning about Seasonal Change. The children will identify some key changes and see how the world around us goes from Summer to Autumn. We will have lots of opportunities for outdoor learning. We will also be learning about different animal and the special features that animals have.


Throughout the term we will look at two new stories. The first is'The Search for the Giant Arctic Jellyfish' by Chloe Savage and the second is 'Nibbles the Book Monster' by Emma Yarlett. During these units we will be working to:

  • Compose a sentence orally before writing it
  • Leave spaces between words
  • Punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop
  • Use capital letters for names of people
  • Join words using 'and'


Have a look at the BBC Bitesize website links below. Each link contains a short animated video and a mini quiz.

Set 1 Sounds:

Set 2 Sounds:

Tricky words (Red Words):


Set 3 tricky words:


Throughout this term we will be learning about Place Value (within 10), Addition and Subtraction (within 10) and Shapes.

Maths Online Games

Find the Number:

One more one less:

Place the number on the number line:


Matching numerals to words


Drawing – Make your mark.

Developing observational drawing skills when exploring mark-making . The children willl use a range of tools, investigating how texture can be created in drawings.

Artists:Renata Bernal, Ilya Bolotowsky, Zara Foreman, Wassily Kandinksy and Bridget Riley.

Painting and Mixed media – Colour Splash.

Exploring colour mixing through paint play, the children will use a range of tools and work on different surfaces.

Artists:Clarice Cliff and Jasper Johns.


In Music, we will be starting to develop the children's listening skills and encourage them to explore sounds. The children will create new lyrics to fit a known melody and rhythm. They will accompany their singing with percussion instruments and compose a piece of music.

The children will learn:

  • To perform simple accompaniments.
  • To develop a basic understanding of how music is organised.
  • To select appropriate instruments for a particular task.
  • To change words to songs and rhymes whilst maintaining rhythmic patterns.
  • To understand that pictures can be used to represent and organise sound.

Design and Technology


In this unit the children will be designing, making and evaluating their own fabric puppets.

  • Join fabrics together using pins, staples or glue.
  • Design a puppet and use a template.
  • Join their two puppets' faces together as one.
  • Decorate a puppet to match their design.

Religious Education

In R.E. we will explore the questions: What do people believe about God? How are people special?

The children will be learning about Christianity and their beliefs, we will also be learning about Judaism and seeing what their beliefs are. Together we will be able to compare and see some similarities and differences.


The children's wellbeing is our priority. We will also be developing our wellbeing toolkit and promoting self-regulation using The Zones of Regulation.

Physical Education

This term our PE days will be on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Please ensure you send your child into school in PE kit on these days. Your kit should consist of a school PE top, school jumper, a pair of shorts/jogging bottoms/leggings, appropriate trainers and hair tied back.

If you would like to share your work with me, please send it to this email address:

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Contact Us

Audlem St. James
C.E. Primary School
Heathfield Road

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