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Audlem St James
C of E Primary School
Y1 Light Experiment
Friday 28 June 2024
Open Afternoon
Wednesday 26 June 2024

Year 1 with Mrs Proctor

Summer Term

Our Topic: Transport

Our new topic for this term is based around 'Transport. We will be learning about how transport has changed over time and how we can travel to different areas in the UK.


In History, we will be learning about the history of cars, trains and planes and the significant individuals who were involved. As a class we will be developing our understanding of chronology andhow transport has developed over time.


In Geography, we will be using the story of 'The Snail and the Whale' in our learning about the UK and the countries inside it. We will also be learning the capital cities of the UK and the seas that surround us. As a class we will also be learning about the different map symbols which relates to different modes of transport. We will also be helping Snail with a new adventure byusing maps to see where he could go andplanning his route.


In Science, we will be learning about Materials. We will be learning how to distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made. As well as how to identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water and rock. We will also be working together to compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties.

We will also be exploring Plants and Seasonal Change as we come into Summer. We will be able to identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, and trees. We will also be able toIdentify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees.


Throughout the term we will look at two new stories. The first is'The Curious Case of the Missing Mammoth' by Ellie Hattie and the second is 'Toys in Space' by Mini Grey. During these units we will be working to:

  • Compose a sentence orally before writing it
  • Join words using and
  • Use plural noun suffixes -sand -es
  • Punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop
  • Use capital letters for names of people
  • Leave spaces between words
  • Punctuate sentences using capital letters and a full stop, some question marks and exclamation marks
  • Use 'and' between words and some clauses
  • Some accurate use of the prefix un-
  • Add suffixes where no change is needed to the root of the word e.g. -ed,-ing, -er, -est
  • Leave spaces between words


Have a look at the BBC Bitesize website links below. Each link contains a short animated video and a mini quiz.

Set 1 Sounds:

Set 2 Sounds:

Tricky words (Red Words):


Set 3 tricky words:


Throughout this term we will be learning about Place Value (within 50), Length and height, Weight and volume, Multiplication and Division, Fractions, Position and Direction, Place Value (within 100), Money and Time.

Maths Online Games

Find the Number:

One more one less:

Place the number on the number line:


Matching numerals to words


Sculpture and 3D- paper play

In Art, we will be creating simple three dimensional shapes and structures using familiar materials, the children will develop skills in manipulating paper and card. They will fold, roll and scrunch materials to make their own sculpture inspired by the 'Tree of life' screen at the Sidi Saiyyed Mosque. As a class we will be making a collaborative sculptural piece based on the art of Louise Bourgeois.


Under the Sea:
In Music, we will be starting with the unit 'Under the Sea' which will develop the children's listening skills and encourage them to explore sounds. The children will create new lyrics to fit a known melody and rhythm. They will accompany their singing with percussion instruments and compose a piece of music describing the sea.

The children will learn:

  • To perform simple accompaniments.
  • To develop a basic understanding of how music is organised.
  • To select appropriate instruments for a particular task.

Blast Off! :
In Music, we will be starting with the unit 'Blast off!' where the children will create lyrics for their own space song and accompany with percussion instruments. They will use a selection of tuned and untuned instruments to compose a piece of space music.

The children will learn:

  • To perform simple accompaniments.
  • To practise, control and refine performances as a class.
  • To change words to songs and rhymes whilst maintaining rhythmic patterns.
  • To understand that pictures can be used to represent and organise sound.

Design and Technology

Cooking and Nutrition: Fruit and Vegetables.

  • Describe fruits and vegetables and explain why they are a fruit or a vegetable.
  • Name a range of places that fruits and vegetables grow.
  • Describe basic characteristics of fruit and vegetables.
  • Prepare fruits and vegetables to make a smoothie.

Mechanisms: Wheels and Axels.

  • Explain that wheels move because they are attached to an axle.
  • Recognise that wheels and axles are used in everyday life, not just in cars.
  • Identify and explain vehicle design flaws using the correct vocabulary.
  • Design a vehicle that includes functioning wheels, axles and axle holders.
  • Make a moving vehicle with working wheels and axles.
  • Explain what must be changed if there are any operational issues.

Religious Education

In R.E. we will explore two overarching questions this term. The first one will be 'What does it mean to belong? How do groups express this differently?'- we will explore what belonging it and what it means to belong. The second question will be 'Why are some places more important to people than others?'- we will explore different holy places and why they are special. We will be looking at Christian churches but also Jewish Synagogues.


The children's wellbeing is our priority. We will also be developing our wellbeing toolkit and promoting self-regulation using The Zones of Regulation.

Physical Education

This term our PE days will be on a Monday and a Thursday. Please ensure you send your child into school in PE kit on these days. Your kit should consist of a school PE top, school jumper, a pair of shorts/jogging bottoms/leggings, appropriate trainers and hair tied back.

If you would like to share your work with me, please send it to this email address:

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Audlem St. James
C.E. Primary School
Heathfield Road

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