Emotionally Healthy Schools
At Audlem St James Primary School our Wellbeing lead is Mrs Nicola Richardson. Mrs Richardson has completed the Mental Health First Aid Youth Course and is an NHS Self Care Champion. She is also the SENCO. Mr Perry, Mrs Richardson and Mrs Spooner have completed the Mental Health Awareness Training and all staff have attended training through Visyon. Mrs Richardson and Mrs Spooner have been trained to deliver interventions to support children's wellbeing including Resilient Classrooms, Cool Connections and Next Steps. Mrs Bugeja has completed the ELSA training (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants).
Current support available to your family
Talk to your child's teacher.
Contact to our Wellbeing Lead. Mrs Richardson is our Wellbeing lead and SENCo. You can either email senco@stjamesaudlem.cheshire.sch.uk or ring school on 01270 906283.
It is vitally important that we all continue to STAY CONNECTED and seek support where it is needed.
You can contact the school nurse team. A referral can be made by Mrs Richardson or you can contact the team by leaving a message on 03001234929 and they will respond.
The school nurse team have recommended a useful website for health information. See the link below. It has some useful information around children's anxieties about Covid 19.
The Coronavirus and Bereavement Guide for Parents and Carers April 2020 from Cheshire East Council has been added as an attachment. If you require support please contact Mr Perry.
The Cheshire East Autism Team have made resources available on the Cheshire East Live Well website:
Concerned about a child?
Anyone who has concerns for the immediate safety of a child or young person must phone:
The Cheshire East Consultation Service ( ChECS ) on 0300 123 5012 (option 3) – Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5pm, or Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm; or Out of Hours Service (Emergency Duty Team) on 0300 123 5022
Do not hesitate. Seek support and advice immediately.
The links below are aimed at supporting wellbeing during this time:
If your child is worried or anxious about coronavirus, here's Young Minds Parents Helpline experts' advice on what you can do.
If you are upset by the news, it's important to know that you are not the only one and it's OK to have those feelings.
You can rely on Newsround to tell you the important facts about a story – but some things you hear might be scary or make you feel worried.
This section gives you some tips about what to do if you are feeling sad about what you've seen, heard or read.
Children and young people
If you are feeling stressed, these following resources might be able to help:
Further resources can be found on the NHS Every Mind Matters website: