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Audlem St James
C of E Primary School

Pupil Premium

How do we use our Pupil Premium Money?

At Audlem St James C.E. Primary we strive to meet the individual needs of each pupil. We recognise that some pupils need additional support to achieve their full potential, others need challenge and extension. We tightly track the progress of our disadvantaged children. Based on data analysis, where we feel a child's progress could be further enhanced by one to one support, we ensure this happens. This is sometimes through the allocation of additional teaching hours and sometimes through additional teaching assistant hours, depending on the child's needs.

Funding has been used to:

Deliver high quality intervention and support to raise pupil achievement and narrow the gap between the achievement of vulnerable pupils and their peers; including whole staff training on Emotional Health and Wellbeing and Attachment Friendly classrooms, Restorative Practice and Mental Health 1st Aid Lead Teacher training, use and evaluation of high quality interventions such as Read Write Inc, Resilient Classrooms and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and support as part of Quality First Teaching.

Targeted interventions including the use of Inference and Read Write Inc programmes have targeted progress in reading whilst bespoke targeted interventions have provided one to one and small group support for children identified as not on track in writing, spelling and maths.

We have provided a programme of targeted Forest Schools support to children across school through successive series of six week sessions led by a Forest Schools trained teacher and Resilient classrooms trained TA.

We have targeted support in Y1 phonics and provided additional phonics and number interventions for targeted children.

We have provided teacher led targeted Y6 sessions to provide additional support in reading and maths.

We have invested in Emotional Toolkits for each classroom providing children will clearly signposted support for positive learning behaviours. We have also continued to invest in concrete, visual and abstract resources to equip enable tables in all classrooms to maximise Maths teaching and learning.

We have also continued to ensure staff, children and families are able to access specialist support as necessary through our Cluster SENCO as part of our membership of the Nantwich Education Partnership.

Funding has also been used to subsidise residential visits and trips for Disadvantaged children together with music and Forest Schools clubs to ensure they are able to access these key learning opportunities beyond the classroom.

Details of Action Taken and Impact:
Progress has been made in 'narrowing the gap', which is monitored through Standards Meetings every half term and evidenced to parents in reports. We strive to meet the individual needs of each pupil in school. Just as with all our pupils, we recognise that some pupils need additional support to achieve their full potential, others need challenge and extension. Some children are making strong progress without the need for additional support / opportunities. We therefore use our Disadvantaged Pupil's money to enable us to increase our provision, to ensure that each child's needs are fully met.

At each half termly Standards Meeting, we look at the individual progress of children for whom we are in receipt of Disadvantaged Pupils' money, separately to the progress of other groups of children. Some of these children are making good or outstanding progress compared to their peers. Some children receiving Disadvantaged Funding are making less progress than their peers. In these cases we look at how we can use additional funding to meet their needs and agree actions.

Next steps 2024/25
We will continue to focus on bespoke interventions and support for our Disadvantaged Pupils in 2024/25. To target this we will:

  • Engage the services of NEP SENCO to access diagnostic testing and resources for SENd children across school.
  • Complete whole school training on Restorative Practice, Metacognition and Mental Health 1st Aid and further develop staff expertise on attachment.
  • Continue to deliver resilience building (including Forest Schools) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy interventions for targeted children.
  • Further embed and continue to develop our successful Learning Conference work with children across school.
  • Continue to subsidise residential visits, trips, music and after school clubs to ensure Disadvantaged Pupils access these learning opportunities beyond the classroom.
  • To diminish the gaps from COVID19 by ensuring identified children have booster sessions for the core subjects across the year groups.

Please see the attached PDF file for more information regarding our spending for 2024/25.

If your child does not currently have Free School Meals, but you feel they may be eligible, please contact the school office (in confidence) to register them. Even if you do not wish them to have the meals, the school could still claim Pupil Premium Funding which could be used to help your child.

Contact Us

Audlem St. James
C.E. Primary School
Heathfield Road

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© 2024 – Audlem St James CE Primary School