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Audlem St James
C of E Primary School

Welcome to Year 3 – Amber Class!

Miss Morris

Science in Y3
Wednesday 26 June 2024
Open Afternoon
Wednesday 26 June 2024

Our Topic for the Summer Term will be The Ancient Egyptians

The children will learn about where Egypt is and learn to use compasses and grid references to navigate. The children will gain an overview of the significance of the Ancient Egyptian period within the wider narrative of world history. They will compare aspects of life in Ancient Egypt with life in modern times and study some of the significant people, places and events from this period such as Tutankhamun and Cleopatra. The class will become familiar with historical sources and accurate vocabularyrelating to the Ancient Egyptian period.

We will be finishing using 'Winter's Child' as our writing stimulus and the children will be writing their own fantasy adventure stories based on 'Winter's child.' The class will be writing setting descriptions, using paragraphs and introducing chacters in the plots of their stories. We will continue work with prepositions, conjunctions and adding description with adjectives. The children must practice using a/an correctly and using the simple past and past progressive tenses correctly. We will also be using the book 'Big Blue Whale' by Nicola Davies for the children to work on their skills in writing non-fiction texts.


We will be working on the topic of fractions as we start the Summer term. The children will then learn about mass and capacity. We will be looking at money, time and shape. The children will practice recall of times tables and complete 'flashback' activities each day to recall skills we have learned so far this year in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The children will have opportunities to work on problem solving and reasoning questions throughout their lessons.


In Science, the children will study biology and physics. We will look at plants and pollination. The children will learn about forces like gravity and how magnets work. The class will also be looking at light during out Science lessons.


We will to look at athletics skills in the first half of the Summer term in addition to outdoor pursuits in 2 Forest school sessions. After half term, we will focus on throwing and catching and playing tennis.


In R.E. we will be studying Judaism and what is important to followers of this religion. We will learn about Jewish festivals. Additionally, we will think about free choice in beliefs and the different beliefs that religions have.

Art, Design and Technology and Music

The class will be exploring Egyptian art and making scrolls and zines in our first art project. We will then complete a project on botanical drawing where the children will learn to shade and work in colour.

In DT, the children will be finishing off out unit on programming wearable technology. We will then look at sewing and learn the cross stitch whilst making Egyptian collars. Our final project will focus around eating and nutrition. The children will be thinking about eating seasonally and will make a 'seasonal tart.'

We will continue learning how to read music during recorder sessions and the children will continue to learn how to play their recorders in solo and group arrangements.

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Audlem St. James
C.E. Primary School
Heathfield Road

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