Miss Morris
During this term, the children will learn about what a rainforest is and where in the world they can be located. They will learn about: the rainforest itself including climates, weather and the 4 different layers; about deforestation and its impacts on people and places; about different plant and animal life that can be found in the rainforest and about people that live in rainforests.
We will be finishing using 'Stone Age Boy' as the main stimulus for our writing sessions. The class are working on using past and present tenses, noun phrases, direct speech and using paragraphs. We will then begin to use 'Winter's Child' to look at using prepositions and conjunctions to add detail into sentences. We will look at the present perfect tense and the progressive forms of verbs (adding -ing).
Throughout the term, the children will be working on their understanding of multiplication & division, money, statistics, measurement of length and perimeter and fractions. Children will not only learn techniques to answer questions on these areas, but will also be asked to solve problems and to justify their reasoning. They will also work on mental arithmetic and times tables recall with daily mental maths sessions.
In Science, the children will study biology. We will look at diet & nutrition along with the skeletons and muscles found in mammals. The children will learn about different types of skeletons and they will learn what mammals need to eat to lead a healthy life. They will learn about protein, carbohydrates and fats.
Art, Design and Technology and Music
The class will work on their drawing and painting skills. They will learn how to scale up their work and use charcoal. They will create paintings using natural pigments.
In DT, the children will be building castle structures and also completing a project about electricity.
We will continue learning how to read music during recorder sessions and the children will continue to learn how to play their recorders.
P.E. and trips
We will continue to look at gymnastics and fitness for the first half on the Spring term. We have a trip planned to Chester Zoo for before Easter where the children will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge about rainforests.
In R.E. we will be thinking about why Christians call Jesus saviour. We will look at the stories of The Fall, Christmas, Easter and Zaccheus.We will look at Islam after half term and learn about the origins of this religion.
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