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Audlem St James
C of E Primary School

Welcome to Year 3 – Amber Class!

Miss Morris

Stonehenge with Y3
Thursday 7 November 2024
Football with Y3
Thursday 24 October 2024

Our topic in Amber class for the Autumn term is going to be The Stone Age.

We will be exploring the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age periods. We will look at what made these periods in history special, exploring the discoveries and inventions. We will look at the type of people who lived on earth and discover what it would have been like to live in those times. We will examine the types of homes people used to live in, what they ate and how they farmed. We will also learn why historical artefacts are important and how we can use them to help us discover information about the past.


Throughout the first term we will use the book 'Seal Surfer' by Michael Foreman to influence our writing. We will be concentrating on writing letters and recounts. We will use prepositions and adjectives in our writing and we will recap how to use apostrophes in contractions. In Autumn 2, we will be using the book 'Winter's Child' by Angela McAllister to support our fantasy writing. For our reading, we will continue to follow the Pathways scheme and use The Sea Book and The Ice Palace throughout the term.


Throughout the term we will be covering Number, looking at place value, addition & subtraction and multiplication. We will focus our mental maths sessions on number-fact recall including times tables where we will consolidate our knowledge of the 2, 5 & 10 times tables before moving on to the 3, 4 & 8 times tables.


In Science we will become geologists this term, looking at rocks and how different types of rock are formed. We will investigate how fossils are formed. We will also be looking at how worms move through the earth and soil is created.


In P.E. we will split our sessions between fitness activities, skills-based development and a sports session where we will use these in a game or performance setting. For the Autumn term, we will be doing swimming for one of our PE sessions.


In Art, the children will be focussing on Drawing skills, painting and Mixed Media. First we will develop drawing skills using pencils and charcoal. We will then more onto Prehistoric painting. The children will investigate making their own paints, making their own tools and painting on different surfaces. The children will explore prehistoric art and talk about it using artistic vocabulary.

In D.T., our first project will be Mechanical systems: Pneumatic toys. The class will explore pneumatic systems, then apply this understanding to design and make a pneumatic toy including thumbnail sketches and exploded diagrams. Our second project will be Electrical systems: Electric poster. It introduces children to various forms of 'Information design' before they are briefed to develop an electric museum display based on The Stone Age.


We will be learning to play a musical instrument such as the recorder. We will also develop singing skills such as using different pitches and volumes.

Click HERE to see Amber's Purple Mash Display Board.

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C.E. Primary School
Heathfield Road

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