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Audlem St James
C of E Primary School

School Dinners

The price of a hot school dinner is currently £2.60. From September 2023, we have had a new meal provider, Aramark, and a welcome letter appears on the website along with the menu which has been slightly altered several times to reflect children's choices. The present menu started on 2 December 2024. The dates of the menu until the Easter break are as follows:

Week 1: week beginning 2/12/24; 16/12/24; 13/01/25; 27/01/25; 10/02/25; 24/02/25; 10/03/25; 24/03/25
Week 2:week beginning 09/12/25; 06/01/25; 20/01/25; 03/02/25; 03/03/25; 17/03/25; 31/03/25

If you wish for your child to have school dinners, we ask that dinner money is paid each MONDAY for the week ahead. Please note that School Dinners can also be paid in advance at the beginning of each term.

Payment Process

Payments for School Dinners can be made by cash payment or online using the +Pay system linked to Parentmail. If you have an Android or Apple smartphone we would highly recommend that you download the free Parentmail App so that you can make easy online payments on the go. To do this simply search for "Parentmail" in your App store. For additional information please use the help site listed below or contact the school office.

If you do not wish to make payments online you can of course continue to make cash payments to the school office. Any monies sent to school must be in a SEALED envelope, labelled with your child's name and class, description of what payment is for and the amount of money in the envelope.

Healthy Snacks

The price per snack is 25p.

To avoid unnecessary administration, we ask that snack money is paid half termly in advance. We will let you know by email at the end of each half-term what the cost for the next half-term will be and we ask that payment is made promptly so registers can be set up correctly before the start of the new term.

Payment for Snacks

This can be made by cash or online. Any monies sent to school must be in a SEALED envelope and labelled accordingly (as described above).

If you think you are entitled to free school meals please visit the Cheshire East website.

Contact Us

Audlem St. James
C.E. Primary School
Heathfield Road

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Audlem St James
© 2025 – Audlem St James CE Primary School