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Audlem St James
C of E Primary School

Welcome to Year 4 – Emerald Class!

Mrs Bird

Y4 RE learning
Friday 24 January 2025
Y4 Singfest rehearsal
Monday 20 January 2025
the romansvolcanoescape from pompeiia roman girls diaryqurannetball

Spring Term – The Romans

Welcome to the Emerald class page. We are looking forward to starting the Spring term and a new year.

Our topic for the Spring term will be The Romans. We shall look at: the benefits and drawbacks of the different ruling systems, how the Roman Empire changed over time, why the Roman army was so effective, what Britain was like before the Romans arrived and what lasting impact they had after they had left. We also learn about Boudicca's rebellion and the Battle of Colchester. We shall also be visiting the Deva Centre in Chester to learn about why this city was so important to the Romans.

In this unit, the children will learn about the structure of the earth and plate tectonics. They will learn about how mountains and volcanoes are formed and how earthquakes occur.

Our writing will be based around the book 'Escape from Pompeii' which links to our History topic and to our Geography topic. We shall also be reading 'Pompei: A Roman Girl's Diary' as our class novel. We will learn how to use a variety of verb forms including the progressive and the present perfect forms, how to organise paragraphs around a theme (using fronted adverbials to introduce or connect paragraphs), and continue to learn how to punctuate direct speech (using dialogue to show the relationship between characters). We shall also continue to work on our handwriting and spelling.

Our Maths learning will focus on learning to add and subtract using exchanging, multiplication and division, calculating area, length and perimeter, fractions and decimals. We shall also be learning our times tables using TTRockstars.

This term the class will be looking at two areas: sound and states of matter. In the unit on sound, the children will learn about how sounds are made, associating them with something vibrating and understand how they travel to the ear. They will also learn about what affects pitch and volume. In the unit on states of matter, the children will learn about solids, liquids and gases, making links to the water cycle.

In Computing, the children will learn about online safety. This will include how to protect themselves from online identity theft and about information they place online leaves a digital footprint. They will also learn about the risks and benefits of installing software including apps, about plagiarism and about the positives and negatives of technology on health and the environment.

This term, PE will be led by our sports coaches on Wednesday mornings focusing on netball in Spring 1 and then football in Spring 2. We shall also have PE on Fridays when we focus on fitness.

In Art, we shall be learning how to draw. We shall use mechanical engravings as a starting point, developing an awareness of proportion, composition and pattern in drawing and combine media for effect when developing a drawing into a print.

Design & Technology
In Design & Technology learn about air resistance and kinetic energy so that we can build our own sling-shot cars.

This year, the children will learn how to play the clarinet and to read musical notation by a Music teacher on Monday mornings.

In RE, the children will learn to recognise the importance of the Qur’an within Islam and how and why Muslims treat it with respect and believe it to be the exact words of ‘Allah’ (God). We shall also learn about two Muslim artefacts, the act of fasting during Ramadan and the celebration of Id-ul-Fitr. We shall then learn how some Muslims who have contributed to historical achievement and identify the contribution of religious groups in society. We shall also explore Judaism, looking at what it means to make a covenant and refer to the covenants that God made with Noah and Abraham. We will also learn to understand that Jewish people are still waiting for the fulfilment of the promise of the Messiah. We shall think about how Jews believe the Torah is inspired by God, how it is stored and used respectfully, but that Jewish people do not call all revealed writing, "The Torah." We will then learn how Moses received the 10 Commandments.

School trips and workshops
This term, the children will visit Chester to learn about the Romans and will also visit the Delamere Forest Residential Centre for two days to develop their Science and Geography skills. They will also take part in a workshop about Ancient Greece, led by a history expert.

Click here to view work from our class.

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Audlem St. James
C.E. Primary School
Heathfield Road

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