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Audlem St James
C of E Primary School

Our Governors

Information about all of our governors is provided below. If you need any further information, please don't hesitate to contact the school.

Alison Rayne – Chair of Local Governing Board – Foundation Governor

I am very happy to live locally in Audlem. I am married with 2 children Elizabeth and Curtis but in a previous life, my professional career was predominantly in the pharmaceutical industry across sales, marketing, training and management roles. I love music, reading, time with my family and friends, keeping fit and the great outdoors. As a governor I am passionate about the success, growth and well being of the children of Audlem St James School.

Sam Jones – Vice Chair of Local Governing Board – Co-opted Governor

After leaving home in mid-Wales I have worked around the country, moving to Audlem in 2008 where I now live with my wife, two girls and two dogs. My career has predominantly been in sales and marketing within the e-commerce industry. Outside of my career and family time, I love outdoor exercise, be it a run or a walk and when possible snowboarding.
I am very passionate about contributing to the local community and hope that through my role as Governor I can play my part to help make our school even better.

Andy Perry – Head Teacher

I have been at the school for 4 years as the Deputy Headteacher and have taken up the role recently as the Headteacher of our friendly and exciting Church of England Primary School. I believe education is a partnership between school, home, the church and the community and for that reason we encourage the participation of parents/carers in the learning process and in school life. At our school we are committed to creating a safe, enjoyable, stimulating and creative environment for all of our children to flourish in. Our staff, Governors and families work together to strive to ensure that the primary years are a positive, rewarding experience for all of our children. Our aim is for our school to be a wonderful place to learn and grow together.
We have Christian values at our core, we nurture a love of learning and inspire everyone to let their light shine.

Paul Le Grice – Parent Governor

A relative newcomer to the village, I moved here two years ago with my wife and two children who both attend St James'. We have been impressed with the village, especially the sense of community which the school is of course at the heart of. I wanted to be able to contribute to this and am delighted to be able to do so in my role as governor.
In my career I have always been involved in IT, currently as a manager for a managed services provider. Outside of this, my time is spent, as with most parents taxiing children to various clubs and activities. Any spare time after that I like to get out on my bike, or long walk with a pub at the end of it.

Vicky New – Foundation Governor

I am married with four children all of whom attend or have attended the school since we moved to the area in 2017. I am a Major in the British Army's Education and Training Services, with a PGCE (PCET) and an MSc in Innovation in Education. I have spent time teaching leadership and management, designing and evaluating training along with a variety of HR management roles.
As a foundation governor, I hope to use my experiences to ensure that the children of Audlem have the best possible education and opportunities available to them in their local community.

Ruth Scott – Foundation Governor

I am a retired primary school teacher, having spent many years teaching at St John's Keele, in a range of year groups. Before that, I was a solicitor. I have recently moved house within the Audlem area and wish to engage purposefully in the local community. I am pleased to offer my skills and experience gained over both my careers for the benefit of the school. As a Foundation Governor, I will promote the Christian character so that it is secured and developed. I am married with two children. My hobbies include walking and fitness, cooking, painting and singing.

Sylvia Siddorns – Co-opted Governor

I was born in Audlem and attended Audlem Primary School, as did my children. I am pleased to have the opportunity as a governor to give something back in return for those happy years of education and friendships gained. I have lived in Audlem for the majority of my life and am married with 2 children and 4 grandchildren. My interests include walking, swimming and enjoying my grandchildren.
A quality education for all has always been my prime focus, underpinned by the belief that motivation and the enjoyment of learning in the primary years is the key to promoting success and life-long learning for all. I am a retired teacher with experience in secondary and primary schools and also in senior management. Since retirement I have further updated my knowledge in Special Educational Needs and Inclusion.

Mary Hennessy Jones – Co-opted Governor

I have been at school for more than sixty years! I grew up in Birkenhead (it was in Cheshire then), trained in Bristol as a teacher and went straight back into schools and I've never really left.I retired as a Head Teacher in 2016 and now work for Staffs Uni supporting student teachers in schools.
I am an advocate for an exciting, broad, balanced curriculum, solid and challenging in literacy and numeracy, rich in the arts, the sciences and humanities; future proofed and fit for the 21st century and relevant for each and every child.
I am very proud to be part of the governing team at Audlem St James because of the exceptional level of dedication and commitment I see from everyone at the school.I hope that I can help us continue to provide the best possible education for the young people of Audlem.
I am also a governor at Brine Leas High School. When I'm not in schools I spend time in my studio making art and trying (and consistently failing) to create and manage a garden that is too big for me.

Jared Erskine – Co-opted Governor

I am a Business Analyst for the NHS and dad of 2 under the age of 4. Having a background in Safeguarding of Residential Colleges, spanning over nearly a decade.

I have a successful track record in OFSTED inspections, with Back-to-back 'Outstanding on Inspection' results achieved whilst continually developing the Learners with Personal, Social and Life skills outside of the classroom.
With children of my own quickly approaching Primary Education age, I am seeing the importance of this development being available and on offer to children of all ages and look forward to working with Audlem St. James in succeeding for their learners.

Liz Morris – Staff Governor

I am the year 3 class teacher and also the art coordinator at school. I have been teaching for five years and have been a governor for the past three years. Before this, I lived in the USA riding horses and performing in a live action show. I am happy to offer my input on the governing board in relation to teaching, learning and the wellbeing of all children and staff at the school. In my spare time, I enjoy playing the piano, doing yoga and reading. I am also very much into fitness and I am a member of a local running club and a local triathlon club.

Helen Fell – Parent Governor

I have two children who currently attend Audlem St James. Since my first child starting in 2019, I have got involved as much as I can within the school community. I am an active member of Friends and I have changed my garage into a preloved uniform shop. I am grateful to be voted to become the next parent governor and will ensure that my passion for being involved within the school is carried through to this role. Just like within our family business I am looking forward to seeing and assisting in growth and ensuring adherence to purpose and ethos set out by the school.

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Audlem St. James
C.E. Primary School
Heathfield Road

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