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Audlem St James
C of E Primary School

Welcome to Year 5 – Ruby Class!

Mr Trude

Year 5 Quidditch
Friday 18 October 2024
Science in Year 5
Thursday 3 October 2024

Autumn Term – World War One


In English, the children will be looking at the book 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone ' by JK Rowling. This unit will build up to writing a series of diaries about significant event in Harry Potter's life. The children will learn how to identify the audience and purpose of their writing as well as developing and mastering the essential elements of writing such as accurate punctuation, use of tense and structure, whilst pushing the children to a greater depth level by developing their awareness of formality, vocabulary choice, and style. Alongside this, our reading focus will the Eleni Favilli & Francesca Cavallo's 'Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls', which reinvents fairy tales in order to tell the stories of women who have had a great impact in the world.


Throughout the term, in Maths, we will be concentrating on number; looking at place value, rounding, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. In order to ensure that children are ready to progress, there will be a focus on the retrieval of key number facts (number bonds, times tables, methods etc.) and mathematical vocabulary, before they are challenged with multi-step questions and reasoning problems which they will tackle whilst justifying their conclusions through diagrams and concise explanations. Sporadically, during the Autumn units, there will be sessions that hearken back to the Year 4 curriculum in order to revive and solidify concepts that may have been missed or forgotten.

World War One

During this topic the children will research what life was like in Audlem during 'The Great War' period, and find out about local men that went off to fight for their country as well as those who stayed behind. We will learn about what it was like for the soldiers in the trenches (as well as the skies and seas) and for their families at home. We will study artefacts from that time, and read letters that were written by soldiers, as well as other forms of literature written about the war. We will critically discuss and debate the part that animals played; the treatment of conscientious objectors; the roles of women and the support the British army received from African and Asian countries. We will also discover the lasting effects of the war on society, both culturally and technologically.


In Science the children will be looking at 'Forces'. The children will learn to explain the force of gravity. They will identify the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction that act between moving surfaces, and they will recognise that some mechanisms allow a smaller force to have a greater effect. The class will also become star-gazers and space-explorers; researching the planets of our solar system, our place in relation to the sun, and the relationship between the Earth and our moon.


This term in PE we will be focusing on football and tag rugby. The children will be learning how to pass the ball with control and ball skills, the rules for both sports, tackling (getting the tag) and how to work as a team. They will then use all the skills they have learnt in a competitive match situations.


In Art this term we will be investigating self-portraits by a range of artists. The children will use photographs of themselves as a starting point for developing their own unique self-portraits. We will then be moving on to drawing and printmaking where we will learn about the architect Zaha Hamid. During DT we will explore circuits and motors. We will investigate an existing product, which uses a motor, to encourage pupils to problem-solve and work out how the product has been constructed, ready to develop their own.

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C.E. Primary School
Heathfield Road

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