As Headteacher of our friendly and exciting Church of England primary school, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our website. We hope this gives you a flavour of all the exciting things that happen here at Audlem St James CE of England Primary School.
We believe education is a partnership between school, home, the church and the community and for that reason we encourage the participation of parents/carers in the learning process and in school life. At our school we are committed to creating a safe, enjoyable, stimulating and creative environment for all of our children to flourish in.
Our staff, Governors and families work together to strive to ensure that the primary years are a positive, rewarding experience for all of our children.
We are proud of our 'rich and varied range of learning experiences' and the 'good relations between pupils and with adults' that OFSTED commented on in our last inspection.
Our aim is for our school to be a wonderful place to learn and grow together.
CEO of The Cornovii Trust
I am extremely proud to be Chief Executive Officer of The Cornovii Trust, our trust of local schools. Audlem Church of England Primary School is a shining example within our Trust, with strong Christian values, fantastic children, caring and talented staff. Audlem's moto: "Let Your Light Shine" taken from Matthew's Gospel, underpins our approach to education and young people. We strive to make sure Audlem provides the right environment where everyone can learn, grow together and every child can be the best version of themselves. It is these underlying core principles that make Audlem Primary a fabulous place and such a successful school.
Our Visions and Values statement has been decided by staff and children and it is something we are all very proud of. At Audlem we embrace the adventure of learning, encouraging everyone to step out further, think more deeply and become more understanding. Inspired by our Christian values, we are developing our skills, our courage and our wisdom to achieve beyond expectations and become successful learners, caring citizens and confident individuals. Through God's love, we are nurtured, we are inspired and we shine.
Our School Council worked with staff and Reverend Allison to decide on a Bible Quotation that summarises the ethos in our school and they decided on:
'Let Your Light Shine' Matthew 5:16
Our children and staff have also worked together with Reverend Allison to create our own special school prayer which we share everyday in school:
Dear Lord
Thank you for our school, for the pupils, staff and families that we come from.
Thank you for the chance to learn, play, pray and grow together.
Our school is made of hearts, not bricks and is good because of the people inside it.
All of our friends are special to us.
Help us to get along and respect each other.
Let us bring kindness, peace and joy to our school.
By keeping these important messages at the heart of all we do in school, we work together to ensure that our school is a wonderful place to be.
Andrew Perry
'Let Your Light Shine that people may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven'
(Matthew 5.v16)