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Audlem St James
C of E Primary School

Roundabout Worship

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On Thursdays, the children take part in "Roundabout" Worship. Each class teacher has a different Christian value that they discuss and share a Bible story with a different class visiting each week. Sapphire class listened to the story of Daniel in the Lions Den and enjoyed shouting 'Down with Daniel' to represent the men who were trying to persuade the king to throw Daniel into the lion's den. Pearl Class talked about 'Forgiveness' and asked 'what does it mean?'. They had a discussion about situations when the children had have had to forgive someone. The children wrote down their ideas and some drew a cartoon to explain. In Key stage 2, Amber Class reflected on how Jesus teaches us to show love through the Parable of the Good Samaritan. They then discussed different ways how we can show the people around us our love and the importance of being kind to our friends and neighbours. Ruby Class investigated the Christian value of 'Joy' and debated whether outside things can give you limitless joy or whether that sort of joy might come from God. Ruby class based their session on Peace, looking at different symbols of Peace and analysed quotes from the Bible.

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C.E. Primary School
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