As a school we are taking part in a PINS (Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools) Project. PINS is new national programme that aims to support the education and health needs of neurodiverse children in schools through partnership approach. As part of this project, Cheshire East Parent Carer Forum would like to introduce themselves and explain their role to parents at a Coffee Morning in school on Thursday 23rd January, 2025 between 9 -10.30am.
Join Mrs Richardson (school SENCO) to find out more about Cheshire East Parent Carer Forum (CEPCF) and the Partnership for Inclusion in Schools (PINS) Project.
The CEPCF will also be donating a resource library box worth £350 to the school so come along and find out what's included and how it could benefit you and/or your child.
There is a free raffle entry for every attendee.