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Audlem St James
C of E Primary School

8. Let your Light Shine – Wonderful Worship Leads

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Wonderful Worship Leads have volunteered to work with Mrs Burgess to plan and deliver one worship each term.

Mrs Burgess will meet with the group at the start of each half term and help them to gather ideas for their worship to be delivered towards the end of each half term.

Ideas for contents and messages in the worship will be gathered from children in school via the Leads and Mrs Burgess.

The children will also plan Bible stories to share with EYFS during Roundabout Worship sessions.

The Wonderful Worship Leads were appointed in 2015 and have been extremely busy with all their responsibilities. The children prepare and lead their own assembly in our collective worship based on Bible stories. For example, they talked to the other children about what qualities a friend would need to have, played a quiz and shared the story of the tortoise, fox and leopard.

For Easter, they ordered and prepared 'Bags of Hope' which were given to the children in time for the Easter break. The Worship Leads researched 'The Real Easter Egg' sold in some shops to remind us about the real significance of Easter.

To celebrate 'Fairtrade Fortnight' the Wonderful Worship Leads and Global Ambassadors worked together to research what the Fairtrade Foundation was all about. On Monday, the Wonderful Worship Leads shared a powerful assembly focussing on Jesus feeding the 5000 with five loaves and two fish (with twelve baskets full of bread left over). They talked about how important it was to Jesus that no one was left hungry, and how important it should be to us that everyone gets their fair share. People should be paid fairly for the work they do so they won't go hungry.

Prayer Spaces Days

A Place to Learn, Play, Pray and Grow Together!

The children enjoyed taking part in special outdoor Prayer Spaces experiences. The children have experienced prayer and reflection in a variety of ways including being still, jumping, running and even hugging trees! The sessions have helped us all stop to notice things we are often too busy to see and be thankful for such as the air we breathe, the clouds in the sky, the food, trees and flowers growing around us and of course the unique and wonderful humans we all are! It has been wonderful to watch and listen to the children sharing their reflections and thanks with each other.

Thank you to Reverends Helen and Rachael and one of our Governors, Sonia Kay, who have created some wonderful reflection spaces across our school grounds for us to use.

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Audlem St. James
C.E. Primary School
Heathfield Road

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