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Audlem St James
C of E Primary School

4. Let Your Light Shine – RE Curriculum


R.E. is a very important part of the life of Audlem St James CE Primary School. Although it is taught in lessons we strive to ensure that Christian values are evident throughout the school. Religious Education (RE)lessons take place on a weekly basis at Audlem St James, although the Christian nature of the school means that the subject is also woven into other topic areas and is clearly evident in the life and ethos of each day.

The children are introduced to the beliefs of Christianity and Judaism in the infants and these teachings are built upon as they enter the juniors, together with beliefs of Islam.

We ensure that as well as teaching the children knowledge about the different faiths they are also given opportunities to reflect on their own beliefs and appreciate the different viewpoints of others and their peers. We follow the concepts and enquiry planning model:

The children are engaged through visiting speakers, drama activities, role playing festivals, art work, exploring beliefs in creative and imaginative ways, writing activities, educational visits and studying religious artefacts.

Within our school calendar we also allow for specific RE days or weeks where we focus on different specific Christian beliefs. These times allow the children to think more deeply about aspects of Christianity or Christian festivals and usually fall at the beginning or end of the term. For example, at Christmas time, we took part in the Lightworks' Project and had an afternoon of D&T making a wooden Nativity scene to help children develop their understanding of Christmas and the Christmas story. We also look forward to our Easter week which is full of activities including art, music and drama.

The lesson starts always with a question. Not all children believe or have the same faith and children enjoy questioning and discussion. The children also learn about Judaism, Hinduism and Islam.

As a Church of England and Rights Respecting school, 'Let your light shine' is at the heart of all that we do at Audlem St James We work together to nurture the wellbeing, learning and growth of everyone, empowering all to shine as individuals through our school values, founded in the Christian faith. Please see our most recent SIAMS inspection for which we were awarded outstanding.

Our RE scheme of work, is from Cheshire East.

Understanding Christianity

At Audlem St James we support the teaching of Christianity using the Understanding Christianity core concepts. Each classroom displays The Big Story frieze.The key purpose of this project is to support pupils in developing their own thinking and their understanding of Christianity, as a contribution to their understanding of the world and their own experience within it. Pupils explore the significant theological concepts within Christianity as part of developing their wider religious, theological and cultural literacy.

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Audlem St. James
C.E. Primary School
Heathfield Road

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