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Audlem St James
C of E Primary School

Support Services

School Nurse

Church View, Nantwich – Tel: 0300 1234 929

Cheshire East Information, Advice and Support Services (CEIAS)

This is a free and impartial service available to all parents and carers of children 0-25 who have Special Educational Needs or a Disability (SEND). To access the relevant pages of the Cheshire East website then please follow the link below.

Live Well Cheshire East

This is a new section of the Cheshire East website from May 2017 giving you greater choice and control of the services you need. You'll find useful information and advice on a range of subjects, and an easy to use directory of over 3000 services and activities in your area. Click here to visit.

Information and advice on:

  • Health matters
  • Community activities
  • Care and support for adults
  • Living independently
  • Care and Support for children
  • Education, employment and money matters
  • Looking after someone
  • 0-25 Local Offer for SEN and Disability
  • Staying safe

The care and support for children section of the website links to the:

  • Cheshire East Consultation Service (ChECS) – the 'front door' for access to services, support and advice for children and their families, from early help and support through to safeguarding and child protection.
  • Family Information Service – which provides a free, confidential and impartial information, advice and guidance service for prospective parents, carers, professionals and children and young people in Cheshire East right through to their 20th birthday.
  • Children's Centres – places for young children and their families and details of the Nantwich Children's Centres can be found below.
  • Health visitors – The Health Visiting Service in Cheshire East is provided by Wirral Community NHS Foundation Trust. Health Visitors are specialists in child health and development who work at community, family and individual levels to promote and improve the health and well-being of pre-school children and their families.
  • Young offending and preventative services
  • Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) – the Cheshire East Local Offer includes information about the support and provision that families can expect from a wide range of agencies for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities (SEND) from birth to 25 years old.
  • Community activities – a wide range of activities that residents are able to access in their local community or area. Many are provided through voluntary, community or faith organisations, who can also provide mutual help and support, and taking part in community activities can help people to become part of their local networks.

CAMHS out of Hours Advice Line

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) have launched an out-of-hours advice line for people living in the Cheshire and Wirral area (including West Cheshire, East Cheshire, South Cheshire, Vale Royal and Wirral).

The advice line is open to everyone, including young people themselves, parents, teachers, healthcare professionals and the children and young people's workforce and seeks to provide individuals with advice and support surrounding Children and Young People's mental health.

The service provides the caller with an opportunity to talk to a mental health professional about children and young people's mental health. We offer several types of support including mental health advice, resources, signposting and mental health support calls. Furthermore, we can also complete a mental health assessment over the phone and then and this will then be passed on to the relevant CAMHS team for triage.
The advice line runs from 5-10pm (Monday -Friday) and 12 – 8pm (Saturday and Sunday).

Advice Line Number is 01244 397644

Children's Centres

Nantwich and Rural Children's Centre
Dog Lane
Email Nantwich and Rural Children's Centre
Contact Number: 01270 375 390
Main Contact: Colette Mercer

Opening Hours:
Monday to Thursday 9:00 to 17:00
Friday 9:00 to 16:30

These include support and information from our Family Service Workers on a range of issues such as:

  • parenting
  • childcare options
  • finances and benefits
  • housing
  • education
  • training
  • employment

By working with a range of professionals they can provide you with access to:

  • midwives
  • antenatal appointments
  • access to Health Visitors
  • speech and language therapist drop-ins at our stay and play sessions
  • youth support services
  • education psychology drop in appointments
  • Cherubs and Clasp groups

Contact Us

Audlem St. James
C.E. Primary School
Heathfield Road

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Audlem St James
© 2024 – Audlem St James CE Primary School